But, we can't in good faith invest in just any IRA. There are socially responsible investments (SRIs). There are funds created from companies striving toward sustainable energy--- and these companies are thriving, with returns equal to, or surpassing traditional IRAs.
That is where our money will go.
In the meantime, big corporations are catching on (led by California- the 5th largest global GDP):
"Mercury News -WASHINGTON - The growing consensus to take national action against climate change received a major boost Monday when 10 leading U.S. corporations - including General Electric, Alcoa, DuPont and Pacific Gas & Electric - launched a coalition with four environmental groups to push for mandatory federal emissions controls.
The corporate leaders, spurred in part by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's unilateral proposal to cut greenhouse-gas emissions in California, pledged to work for specific targets and timetables to reduce current levels of carbon dioxide and airborne pollutants by 60 to 80 percent over the next 43 years.
"Action is not only justified, it's critical - greenhouse-gas emissions are rising at an unprecedented rate," said Peter Darbee, CEO of San Francisco-based PG&E, which provides energy to 5 percent of the U.S. market."
The 10 companies include:Alcoa, BP America, Caterpillar, Duke Energy, DuPont, Florida Power & Light, General Electric (a founding member), Lehman Brothers, Pacific Gas & Electric, and PNM Resources.
Our future is lead by us, our science, our policy, and our investments