Monday, July 02, 2007

lovely labcoats

Again in the lab, no time exists here- its white 24 hours a day, just like an Antarctic summer... I've been here for 13 hours... and am trying not to wiggle too much- don't want me-dust flying into the clean samples. Sadly, I can't be sure how much neodynium I really contain. I suspect I am weathering... flaking like a rock does. My erosion is much quicker least mentally, in the fluorescent lights. I had the great idea of bringing books on tape... More boring than paying bills online. Tragically, the elderly man narrator gives women falsetto voices. Its not a good idea... very bad for the budding romance...I've given up and now its the 80s music that they start playing after 11....Good thing is that I'm measuring 15 elements at concentrations below 10 ppt with linear calibration curves... I'm also using internal standards this time, they are introduced into the ICPMS at the same time my samples go in... Like having an IV of gatorade in your arm while you eat a hamburger....mmmmm.... I'd even eat a hamburger now.... Gotta love the lab!!!

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