Thursday, December 29, 2005

ChCh- So brief in New Zealand

The hardest part was saying goodbye to Trey his smile gently above the froth of his mocha. Then the plane, and more plane, and more plane- and more than 24 hours later I am in ChristChurch (at 10 am). After dropping my carry-on off at the Windsor Bed & Breakfast, I searched for Farmer's a department store to stock up on necessities (as all of my bags went to Australia for a spur of the moment side trip). Fortunately, my four hours of sleep on the plane was enough to complete this mission. Then back to the Airport and the Clothing Distribution Center (CDC) for my issues- I have every size of clothing from a small top to an extra large hat (& my big big head)

Then back to the Windsor for tea- a free offering at this B&B complete with wafers and charming knitting women. And I stumbled through the botanical garden, overwhelming my senses with bright talking flowers and smells that will be missed in the barren south.

I feel asleep by 6.

Fortunately, my bags arrived at the CDC at 6:30 (and I was the last person to have my things loaded on to the plane to McMurdo, Antarctica). It was quite a sight to see Trey's silver golf bag topping off the pile of our issues and luggage--- it looks like someone is going to play the coldest golf course ever... but in reality, my bottles (triple bagged and acid washed) are hanging out waiting for sampling.

We fly out at 10 (and I must head now to the airport for final instructions). It feels like the ice is near.

May the journey be short and save.

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