Friday, July 11, 2008

I still haven't eaten a guinea pig

Yesterday we got special permission to head to Pasto Ruri, a National Park that has been shut down for a variety of political reasons. There, you used to be able to ski down the glaciers, but now, there is little to shoosh down.

Anyway, I am very tired and my nose is nearly touching the keypad. In the last 5 days I have hiked over 8 hours a day on average and I am eating everything in site. (Altitude has not diminished my appetite. We have yet to venture into restaurants serving guinea pigs yet, so I am still limited in my culinary adventures). Pictured is Sarah Wright, who will stay after most of us leave to conduct a tourism study for her Master's Thesis. She helped me sample yesterday and is very upbeat even under strenuous conditions. Also pictured are Adam, Paul, Allyson, and Kyung who are the Lidar/GIS/GPS/Survey team on this mission. (Behind them is the shrinking Pasto Ruri). The last pictures are from today, Jeff, Sara Knox and I woke up at 5 and headed back to Llanganuco to sample tributaries from two headwater lakes.

I'll write more tomorrow about what we're doing... after I hydrate and eat a few plates of food.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Do you have to name them before you eat them. Love, Mom

Sarah said...

All right, I had debated correcting you, but as I was reading the newer blogs, I felt the need to come down and comment on this one. You are such a liar when you say I was still upbeat after strenuous conditions. Yes, I wasn't bad when we were walking around. However, did you see me almost cry when the little dog tried to eat me and chased me the entire way up that hill, as I was huffing and puffing??? I think I did OK during the GPS failure, but after that little monster dog, I was anything but upbeat. However, it was very sweet of you to say. That was a HARD day.